The Singularity can be witnessed through the mixed reality of bumping into a Kardashian clone on a busy high street, the clone oblivious to this collision, as she is drawn along by the power of this swarm and with pendulum-like physics; we watch the back and forth interplay of this infinite loop of experience. The Queen Bee, the Kardashian in this sense, elicits a scent, a rite that in itself is fabricated through the aphoristic nature of contemporary presentation, and The Queen's output finds itself out there as multiple poor imitations of digital photo filters masquerading as poorly executed sedimentary real-world makeup adorning multiple female subjects that have been caught up in the Queen's own swarm.
The swarm has become a singular narrative: it houses every cause, idea, and micro activism. The secular myths and stories and narratives determine who goes forth and whom will stay. We are asked to choose a side, determine a position. Able to assimilate almost any cause, this swarm carries within it patterns within which our language must sit.
Our language, certainly our new language, is beholden to this new congealing of experience and story. We use our experience of fictional tropes to speak new common image-driven languages, while words have taken on new thrillingly malevolent dynamism within this autonomous swarm. A diet of superhero futurist fantasy sets off absolute drivers of binary comprehensions of experience. Yet, it is clear Hollywood won't save you. Arguably, one of the clearest drivers of a new language being formed is the whipping up of us into a custom framework for hysteria. Dissemination, deflection and chaos become a practice to withstand and decode; an embrace of the surreal and the postmodern become themselves sharp-edged tools of weaponization.
If you were to search online for a categorized library of the many histories of the shona spirit, what would you find? If you were digitally researching the deep histories of 'Eshu' in West Africa, what would you find? Who initiated this new character set with which we must speak to each other?
Amongst the swarm, your war is little or no different to my war. It all just falls into a time of dominant narratives — and the dominant education fed to us comes from a source. The swarm itself has an eye at its core, and we must find a sharp-edged insight to be able to transgress these boundaries of predetermined experience. Yet, we are often lost in this micro-activism whilst new cities are formed (refugee centers, for example) as the swarm itself moves independently forth from place to place, leaving in its wake new lines of control that gain strength at every navel gazed at and every disagreement sown.
Barely noticeable in this newly protectionist huddle within the swarm is the tightening of the feedback loops housing our individual myths and perception. Perception itself is altered by the dynamic reshaping of our languages, and our ability to break down forms and representations from afar is brought into much tighter focus and more restricted view, like a television moved across the room to be positioned closer to an ageing viewer.